UPDATE: As of 2023-2024, you no longer need a new alternate assessment, you only need to have it if you previously had it in a Dossier for an earlier Dossier for P&T. For example, if you are doing your 4th or 6th year review you should have had it in your 2nd or 4th year review, so you will need that same one in your 4th or 6th Dossier. We have locked these screens so that the data is archived, if you need any assistance with this archived data, please, email us at ai-support@psu.edu.
The guidance at https://vpfa.psu.edu/assessment-of-teaching-effectiveness/ calls for tenure-line and non-tenure-line faculty members going up for promotion and/or tenure reviews to include one alternate assessment of teaching effectiveness for each academic year. In other words, no dossier should include more than one alternate assessment for each academic year.